Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Wireless Router in the Hotel Room

After my first night in Singapore, I woke up around 4am.  First on the agenda is getting the wireless router to work.  Fraser Place does provide free wireless through out the complex, but who knows how secure that is.  We get one wired connection in the room, and i figured that using the wired connection and our own wireless router would be the fastest and most secure way for me to get two phones, two laptops, and a PS3 online.

When I connected my laptop, I had to log-in.  Same for Kavita.  I think the network just needed to log the MAC address.  However, with the wireless router, once I'm connected, I couldn't "log in" without a keyboard or screen in the router.  The solution?  Clone your computer's MAC address.

In the wireless router's settings, there should be an option to clone a MAC address.  After already registering a laptop on the network, reconnect the router, have it clone the registered laptop's MAC address, and then reset the router.  When it comes up, the network will think that the router is the computer that's already registered, and will not need to log in.  From then on, the router will work just fine, and all devices will use the same cloned MAC address to get onto the network.  This tip can be particularly useful in places where internet connectivity is charged per device, like in a hotel.  Now, you can connect your own wireless router in a hotel room (assuming there is a wired cable connection) and get multiple users for the price of one. 

1 comment:

  1. routers are the really best choice because this device are mostly common for the telephonic and also for the wireless system.By used this electonic device we are connect a no. of person in that time.

    portable wireless router
